Monday, September 26, 2016

Archiving and Deleting a Class in Google Classroom

Archiving and Deleting a Class in Google Classroom

From time to time teachers may choose to clean up their Google Classroom.  Teachers have a choice to ARCHIVE their class or Delete the class altogether.

Archiving a class removes the Class from your Google Classroom main menu but allows the user to access and reuse the materials from the archived classroom.  An archived class can be restored.

Steps to Archive, a Class

Log into Classroom.

Click on the three dots in the top right of the class you want to remove.

Choose "Archive."

The class will be removed from this menu screen of ACTIVE classes.

Permanently Removing a Class:

To permanently delete a class Click on the TOP LEFT Menu Button next to Google Classroom.

Choose Archived Classes near the bottom

Click on the three dots above the class you want to delete.

If RESTORE is chosen, the class will be brought back to the main menu.

Happy tidying!

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